For the participation in the conference, the following is to be sent to the organization committee:

  • registration form;
  • report theses;
  • copy of the payment receipt;

     The registration fee is 150UAH for distance participation with the publication of the conference abstracts and receiving of electronic collection of materials and 250UAH for printed collection of materials for the participants and 500 UAH for the full time participation. The registration fee includes the conference program publishing costs, processing of conference materials and organizational costs. Travel and accommodation are at the expense of conference participants.


Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University

Ruska st. 56, Ternopil, 46001, code 05408102

Bank: STSU Kiev

Account number  UA 468201720313221004201008829

Purpose of payment: for scientific publication of abstracts and conference materials (surname and initials are to be indicated).

Payment confirmation (the copy of warrant for payment with the bank’s note about the transfer) is to be sent to the address of the organization committee of the conference.


UDC (Times New Roman, 12 pt., bold, left centered)

Initials, surname of the author (co-authors), academic rank and degree in the language of theses (Times New Roman, 12 pt., bold, left-aligned, Ph.D.; Assoc. Prof.; Dr.; Prof.).

Organization, country (Times New Roman, 12 pt. left-aligned), (interval 10 pt.)

TITLE OF REPORT (Times New Roman, 12 pt., bold, center-aligned), (interval 10 pt.)

Full name of the author, academic rank and degree (co-authors) in English (Times New Roman, 12 pt., bold)

TITLE OF REPORT in English (Times New Roman, 12 pt., bold, center-aligned), (interval 10 pt.)

Text of Report.

Literature (Times New Roman, 12 pt., bold, line width aligned)

Edited report theses with the content of 1-2 full pages are printed on the sheets of white paper of A4 format with 25 mm margins on all sides. Font type Times New Roman, size 12 pt. and singular interval are to be used. Drawings and illustrations are to be made on the computer in the *.jpeg, *tiff and *pcx formats. The name of the file must correspond to the surname of the first author in the language of theses.